Daily Activities
every morning I wake up at 4.30 am, after that I clean up the room and prayers. 05:55 hours I was helping my parents clean the house and preparing breakfast. at 6:20 I showered and prepared textbooks. immediately after that I eat breakfast, then after hours of 7:10 I said goodbye to their parents to go to school. I went to school with my friends.
around the clock 01:30 senoir high school 1 Liwa students had gone home. approximately 01:40 hours I had reached home. I immediately changed clothes after noon prayers. I finished praying directly to lunch.
approximately 03:00 hours I was watching tv. then at 3:30 pm I pray Asr. after the Asr prayer I learned (sometimes). 04:50 hours and after that I bathe my evening walk with my nephew.
approximately 6:10 pm I pray Maghrib, then read the Quran. then I went back to watching tv and call my girlfriend. 07:45 hours I immediately prayed evening prayer and see if there is homework or not.
approximately 09:40 hours I sleep because it was getting late
every morning I wake up at 4.30 am, after that I clean up the room and prayers. 05:55 hours I was helping my parents clean the house and preparing breakfast. at 6:20 I showered and prepared textbooks. immediately after that I eat breakfast, then after hours of 7:10 I said goodbye to their parents to go to school. I went to school with my friends.
around the clock 01:30 senoir high school 1 Liwa students had gone home. approximately 01:40 hours I had reached home. I immediately changed clothes after noon prayers. I finished praying directly to lunch.
approximately 03:00 hours I was watching tv. then at 3:30 pm I pray Asr. after the Asr prayer I learned (sometimes). 04:50 hours and after that I bathe my evening walk with my nephew.
approximately 6:10 pm I pray Maghrib, then read the Quran. then I went back to watching tv and call my girlfriend. 07:45 hours I immediately prayed evening prayer and see if there is homework or not.
approximately 09:40 hours I sleep because it was getting late
aktifitas sehari-hari
setiap pagi saya
bangun jam 4.30 pagi, setelah itu saya membereskan kamar dan sholat subuh. jam
05.55 saya membantu orang tua saya membersihkan rumah dan menyiapkan makan
pagi. jam 6.20 saya mandi dan menyiapkan buku-buku pelajaran. setelah itu saya
langsung sarapan pagi, lalu setelah jam 07.10 saya berpamitan dengan orang tua
untuk berangkat ke sekolah. saya berangkat ke sekolah bersama teman saya.
sekitar jam 01.30
siswa SMA N 1 Liwa sudah pulang. kira-kira jam 01.40 saya sudah sampai dirumah.
setelah berganti pakaian saya langsung sholat zuhur. selesai sholat saya
langsung makan siang.
sekitar jam 03.00
saya menonton tv. lalu jam 03.30 sore saya sholat ashar. setelah sholat ashar
saya belajar(kadang-kadang). jam 04.50 saya mandi dan setelah itu saya
jalan-jalan sore bersama keponakan laki-laki saya.
kira-kira 06.10 sore
saya sholat magrib, setelah itu membaca Al-Qur'an. lalu saya kembali menonton
tv dan menelpon pacar saya. jam 07.45 saya langsung sholat isya dan melihat
apakah ada pekerjaan rumah atau tidak.
sekitar jam 09.40
saya tidur karena hari semakin larut
terimakasih :D
BalasHapusYOur daily activities note helped me to finished my homework so I only wanna say u thanks
BalasHapusGreat post :) http://sahabat-etam.blogspot.com
BalasHapusmakasih sangat membantu :)
BalasHapusMampir Tekku-style.blogspot.com
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusthanks ya...
BalasHapusini sangat membantu..
mampir ya ke puisihatiiromantis.blogspot.com
BalasHapusyou are very helpful
makasih ya membantu banget.... :)
BalasHapusmampir juga ya: lukyfirmansyah14.blogspot.com
Thx udah ngebantuin pr gue
BalasHapusThanks dh bantu ngrjain homework Gw :-D
BalasHapussyukron for ur daily activities
BalasHapusgrammatically incorrect ckck
BalasHapusyups... structure n grammatical nya incorrect
BalasHapusis that using past tense?
BalasHapusDaily activity jangan pakai past tense, pakai present tense aja ya